

Iets met haar


oud varken 1

zelfportret eind jaren 80 ergens


voor paal staan


maar morgen is het struininginnedag dan
ja, ik neem ook 20 euro mee en ga struinen, los en gewoon kopen wat me aantrekt: zeer aantrekt en dan daarna denken, ik ben er weer ingestruind
aan het eind van de dag is alles gratis
haha ingestruind
dat is het moment voor mij
ja nog erger:

dan komt het echte struinvolk laag bij de grond
rollend over de grond
alles is dubbelgeklapt, besmeurd uit elkaar gereten net als onze zielen nog meer vertrooid
nog meer ingeklonken in de haagse koninginnestad

wat mooi


natuurfotografen fotograferen is nog best lastig, want ze nemen meestal
onooglijke poses aan en het moet er niet natuurlijk uitzien natuurlijk


This photograph was taken by Jason Rodney who was a student at Geneseo State University of New York in 1985. The photograph was taken in the cellar. The ghost was called "Tommy" by those who were involved, and it turned out, after much research was thought be to that of a young boy of the same name who had hung himself at the college several years earlier. Strange drafts were also felt by many in the cellar. One evening, the student was shocked to look up and see a very life-like apparition of a male youth wearing a striped rugby shirt, his head tilted to one side. Objects were very often moved and cold spots experienced. This photograph is an enlargement and shows a skeletal figure to the right of man, who is Steve Rodgers , a 4-time winner of both the New York City and Boston Marathons. This is only one of a handful of such images where no figure shows up but only the skeleton! The ribs, spinal cord and pelvis can clearly be seen in this image! It was captured with a 35MM camera.


